Chanel has increased the price since the month of June in all European cities followed by Asia just days ago. Kindly take note that previous pricing stated in this blog is no longer valid. Luxpurse seeks your understanding that Chanel undergoes price adjustment 2-3 times a year. For the most current pricing by pre-order, please email us at . Price will be quoted in Singapore dollar ONLY. For the most accurate retail price, please call up Chanel boutique. Thank you.
Chanel has increased the price since the month of June in all European cities followed by Asia just days ago. Kindly take note that previous pricing stated in this blog is no longer valid. Luxpurse seeks your understanding that Chanel undergoes price adjustment 2-3 times a year. For the most current pricing by pre-order, please email us at . Price will be quoted in Singapore dollar ONLY. For the most accurate retail price, please call up Chanel boutique. Thank you.
Price hike is expected to take place soon. Luxpurse will hunt down the pre-ordered item for you both in Paris & London but only upon confirmation with deposit. Availablity will not be advised before confirmation as there is a large number of enquiries to handle and it's almost impossible to call up and check on availability for each and every enquiry. Request to check on availability before placing deposit will not be entertained. Nonetheless, if item pre-ordered isn't available, deposit is fully refundable. Luxpurse appreciates your understanding:)
This price list is ONLY valid for THE COMING PRE-ORDER IN JULY/AUGUST ONLY due to possible price adjustment by Balenciaga or exchange rate fluctuation.
First ------------------S$1780
Giant First -----------S$2290
City -------------------S$1990
Giant City ------------S$2490
Giant City Covered-- S$2690
Work ------------------S$2090
Giant Work -----------S$2590
Covered Giant Work- S$2790
Part Time -------------S$2020
Giant Part Time ------S$2520
Day --------------------S$1290
Giant Day--------------S$1620
Town ------------------S$1880
Velo -------------------S$1990
Giant Envelope--------S$1360
Will there be a Balenciaga pre-order soon? Thank you.