Luxpurse is now starting to take in pre-loved items in her blog! If you'd like to sell off your designer bags, Luxpurse will be delighted to help advertise and handle the administrative matter for you at no cost! All you need to do is to send in at least 5 photos of your bag taken from different angles and your intended selling price. Items must be authentic and in good condition. It is the responsibility of the owners selling the pre-loved item to ensure that the bag advertised with Luxpurse is authentic. The seller will bear full responsibility pertaining to authenticity issue without implicating Luxpurse.
Apart from photos of your items for sale, kindly provide the following details:-
Name/Brand/Model/Colour/Size/Material of Item:
Date of Purchase :
Source of Purchase :
(eg: boutique/reseller/ebay)
Other things the Item Comes with :
Other things the Item Comes with :
(eg: box/paperbag/dustbag)
Condition of Item :
Condition of Item :
(eg: how many times used, overall condition, signs of wear & tear, stain, scratch, scuffing, discolouration, etc.)
Once a buyer has confirmed her interest in purchasing your item, you will be contacted. Item will be kept with owner herself (not Luxpurse) until a buyer is found. Payment will be made by buyer (in cash/ ATM transfer etc as agreed by both parties) to the owner upon inspection of item by the buyer and/or Luxpurse. Let's help to contribute a little in protecting the mother earth by doing our part in recycling our bags whenever possible! :)
then how is ur charges for helping me to sell mine bag?
Hi Sophia, As mentioned in the post, NO COST. Thanks.:)